Important Events
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI), Jodhpur will conduct PRA of each Block under the jurisdiction of KVK, Jodhpur from April to May 2019.
Kharif Kisan Sammelan Organized by KVK, CAZRI, Jodhpur 20 July 2015.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur organized a Kharif Kisan Sammelan at Bawarli village, Balesar Panchyat Samithi, Jodhpur. The objective of the programme was to create awareness among the farmers on developed latest technologies from CAZRI and acquainting farmers about the delayed monsoon situation. Shri Gajendra Singh Sekhawat, Member of Parliament, Jodhpur was the Chief Guest, Shri Babu Singh Rathore, Member of Legislative Assembly, Shergarh was Guest of Hounour, and Dr. R K Bhatt, Director, CAZRI, Jodhpur presided over the function. Shri Babu Singh Inda, Pradhan and Sh. Mangi Lal Choudhary, Vice Pradhan of Baleasr Panchayt Samithi were also present. Shri Shekhawat urged the farmers to adopt the technologies related to arid zone and to get benefit of newly started developmental scheme of central government i.e., Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana,, Pradhan.
Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana etc. He emphasized that farmers should use nutrient as per test report provided in soil health card and avoid excess use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides. During the program Shri Shekhawat, has distributed seed of improved cultivars of Clusterbean, Pearl millet and Moth bean to the farmers. He also appealed the scientists to demonstrate latest scientific technologies to increase the production and productivity of arid agriculture with emphasis on livestock, perianal grasses, and solar based drip/sprinkler irrigation system for environmental sustainability. Sh. Babu Singh Rathore appealed the farmers to adopt improved agricultural techniques developed by CAZRI and other institutes for getting more production. He shared his experience of CAZRI technologies in the villages as well as at institutional farm. He also briefed about schemes and reforms in insurance claim for the farmers initiated by the Rajasthan Government. Dr. RK Bhatt, Director, ICAR-CAZRI emphasized on use of technologies developed by CAZRI for this region and their impact in sustainable livelihood of the farming community. Two booklets in Hindi on ‘Improved Kharif Crop Cultivation Practices’ and ‘PPV& FRA’ were also released for farmers. An exhibition was also organized to display products and technologies developed by the CAZRI and AFRI. An interaction meet of farmers with the scientists and development officers from CAZRI, AFRI and line departments was also organized, in which various topics like, crop production, animal husbandry, grassland development, farm implements, government schemes, scientific methods of diseases and pests management were discussed. Earlier, Dr. AK Mishra, Head, Division of Livestock Production and Officer-In-charge, KVK welcomed the dignitaries and farmers and explained about KVK and divisional activities especially contingency plan, integrated farming system models, ICAR-ICARDA Collaborative program on Participatory Silvipasture Development, etc to uplift the livelihood of farming community. Around 350 farmers and farm women of Balesar Panchayt Samith, Jodhpur participated in the sammelan.
Visit of Dr. A. K. Sikka, DDG (NRM), ICAR and Dr. Shiv Prasad, ADG (Coordination), ICAR on November 6, 2015 at KVK, CAZRI, Jodhpur
Visit of Er. S. K. Singh, Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor, ICAR on November 16, 2015 at KVK, CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Celebrated Womens’ Day in Agriculture on 4th December 2015 in Nagalwas village, Bhopalgarh, Jodhpur.
Celebrated World Soil day and distributed Soil Health Card to farmers on 5th December, 2015.
Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan Divas & Rabi Kisan Sammelan organized by KVK, CAZRI, Jodhpur on December 23, 2015 in Village Khedapa, Jodhpur.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jodhpur Celebrated the Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan day and Kisan Gosthi on 23.12.2015 at Adarsh Village of Khedapa more than 300 farmers and farm women participated in this occasion. Dr. O.P. Yadav, Director, CAZRI Chaired this Kisan Gosthi and highlighted the Importance of more profitable integrated Farming system in arid condition and motivate the farmers to adopt scientific cultivation of crop, fruit and vegetables. They can earn more income from fruit and vegetable crops. He advised the KVK should do the work as per need of farming community. Availability of water is problem in arid region. To get the more production of crop adopt the improved varieties of seed, seedling of fruit plants. The farmer should use recommended seed rate of mustard, wheat and cumin. Traditional food like pearl millet, ker, kachri, kumat and sangria are rich sources of nutrient for human beings. Director CAZRI was also visit progressive farmer Sh. Om giri and other farmer fields in Bhopalgarh P.S.
Sh. Puna Ram Choudhary Zila Pramukh, Guest of Honour on this occasion talked improved technology for grow the more yield of crops in short duration period ,scarcity of water and less land area. He advised to farmer to learn profitable technology from scientist of CAZRI and krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jodhpur. The sarpanch of village Khedapa Smt. Kiran Choudhary, Pradhan of Bawari Panchayat Samiti Ala Ram Meghwal was also addressed farmers in the programme.
Dr. A.K. Mishra highlighted the impact of climate change on the crops and livestock management in western Rajasthan.
Dr. S.K. Sharma, Head KVK Jodhpur mentioned that KVK increase knowledge to farmer by training, demonstration and emphasized production technology of vegetables for improvement of the living standard of farming community.
As per discussion of farmer and farm women in this kisan gosthi the need were analyzed that to enhance the productivity of livestock, vegetables and fruit crops.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, CAZRI, Jodhpur organised field day on “Mustard Demonstration” in the village Lavera Kalan, P. S. Bawari on 14th January, 2016.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, CAZRI, Jodhpur celebrated the field day on mustard on 14.1.2016 at Lavera Kalla, Bawari, Panchayat samiti, Jodhpur more than 300 farmers and farm women participated in this programme. Dr. O.P. Yadav, Director, CAZRI Chaired this field day programme and highlighted that the traditional farming is not profitable for farming community. He advised to adopt knowledge based scientific farming, the improved and resistant to insect-pest and diseases seeds are also available in the market. Farmers should sow mustard and cumin in line sowing by use of seed drill. He said the broadcasting of mustard seed is the fifty year old traditional method. He focused on drip irrigation for the save of water for next generation. He emphasized the importance of more profitable integrated farming system in arid condition and motivated the farmers to adopt scientific cultivation of crop, fruit and vegetables. He also suggested the farming community to educate children. Education is a good technology to improve the living standard of human being.
Sh. Ladhuram & Sh. Ashok Singh, farmers of Lavera Kallan told that this variety of mustard crop is suitable for early sowing and it has more oil content comparatively other varieties of mustard in arid region. There is no visual symptom of infestation of insect-pest and diseases in current Rabi season so this variety is more suitable for the arid region of western Rajasthan. Dr. P.P. Rohilla Dirctor, ATARI, Jodhpur gave information on demonstration under National Mission on Oil seed and Oil Palm (NMOOP). He told that more than 6000 demonstration conduct at Rajasthan and Gujarat state. The team of state Govt. officers and ICAR being the monitoring of demonstration at farmer field. Sh. Uma Ram Choudhary (IFS), HOD (Agro-forestry & Exten.), AFRI, Jodhpur suggest to farmer for plantation on his fields, the plants are more profitable for farming community and control the pollution and make the good environment for human life. Dr. S.K. Sharma, Head KVK Jodhpur mentioned that KVK increase knowledge to farmer by training, demonstration and emphasized production technology of vegetables for improvement of the living standard of farming community. Public representative Sh. Ala Ram Meghwal, Pradhan, P. S. Bawari and Miss Mamta, Sarpanch of Lavera Kallan were also present on this occasion. All team of KVK and scientists of CAZRI interacted with farmers on their standing crop issues and also visited the fields of demonstration along with director CAZRI, Jodhpur.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, CAZRI, Jodhpur organised an Awerness Programme on "Pradhan Mantari Fasal Bima Yojana" in the village Lunawas Khara, P. S. Luni on 3rd April, 2016.
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yajna programme was celebrated at village Lunawas Khara, Panchayat Samiti Luni in Jodhpur District on 3rd April, 2016. More than 750 farmers, farm women and rural youth participated in programme. Sh. Joga Ram Patel, Member of Legislative Assembly, the guest of honor of the event highlighted the special feature of Pradhn Mantri Fasal Beema Yojna (PMFBY), he added that farmers will have to pay a very low premium of insuring their crops which will be 2% for Kharif crops, 1.5% for Rabi crops and 5% for commercial crops and horticulture crops, remaining amount of the premium will be borne by the Central & State Govts. He also focused on saving of trees specially Khejri, Kair, and Kummat in this locality. Dr. O.P.Yadav Director, CAZRI, urged the farmers for adopting high yielding and short duration varieties recommended for special agro ecological condition.
Dr. M.S.Meena P.S., ATARI, Zone VI, Jodhpur said that KVK is a knowledge centre in every district of India. Sh. V.K.Pandey, Joint Director of Agriculture (Ext.), Jodhpur also told the detail of crop insurance scheme and their benefit for the farmers. Dr. S.K.Sharma head KVK, highlighted the significant achievement of the KVK and its commitment for upliftment of farmers through the various extension activities like soil health card, Mera Gaon Mera Gorav schemes etc. At this occasion about 15 nearby villages’ farmers attended the programme.The VIP’s also visited exhibition stalls of CAZRI and other line departments. Farmers’ scientists’ interaction was also organized there which was very beneficial for farmers. Ex. Pradhan Luni, Sh. Shaila Ram Saran, Mr. Virendra Pratap Singh, public representative, officials of other line departments and private companies also participated in this programme. DD Kisan, Jaipur and AIR, Jodhpur covered the programme.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, CAZRI, Jodhpur organized its 31st Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting (SAC) on 13th April, 2016.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, CAZRI, Jodhpur organized its 31st Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting on 13th April, 2016. The meeting was headed by Dr. O P Yadav, Director, CAZRI, Jodhpur. There were 41 number of members presented in the meeting including Director, ATARI (Zone-VI), officials from various departments like Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, AFRI, Forest Department, RSSC, Social welfare, Lead Bank along with progressive farmers & farm women. In the inaugural, Director, CAZRI welcomed all the respected members and emphasized on the need of teamwork of various departments, NGO’s, farmers etc. along with KVK, CAZRI in the development of agriculture. He added that cooperation is the prime necessity in the field of agriculture. Dr. S K Sharma, Head of KVK, Jodhpur presented the last year Action Taken Report (ATR) which was recommended by previous year committee meeting (30th SAC meeting) besides that the summary of the Annual Progress Report (APR) of the year 2015-16 and the Action Plan for the year 2016-17.
During the SAC meeting, all the members approved the ATR and Progress Report (2015-16) & Action Plan (2016-17) after getting done some improvements. In the meeting Dr. S. K. Singh, Director, ATARI Zone-VI said that KVKs must encourage & upgrade their skill so that attitude of farmers can be changed by successful activation of trainings, OFTs & FLDs conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendras. He also mentioned that KVK should promote vegetable production, Bee keeping, spices production programmes and regular follow up the previous programmes. After that all the Subject Matter Specialists (SMSs) of KVK presented their respective Annual Progress Report and the Action Plan in details.
Farmers-Scientist interaction on 29-30 August, 2016 with collaboration of ATMA, Jodhpur.
With collaboration of ATMA, Jodhpur a Farmers- Scientist interaction was conducted on 29-30 August, 2016. In this programme farmers were educated about climate change, latest technologies of arid zone crops & fruits, breed improvement of cattle & visit of Azolla, Vermi-compost unit and seed production of Moth bean, Mung bean & Cluster bean.
Visit of Dr. T. Mohapatra, Hon’ble DG, ICAR on 12 Sept., 2016
Visit of Dr. A. K. Singh DDG (Extn. ), ICAR on 14 Sept., 2016
Dr. A. K. Singh, Deputy Director General ICAR visited KVK, CAZRI Jodhpur today. He visited the Nursery, Orchard, Dairy, Vermi-compost and Azolla units of KVK. He appreciated the KVK activities highlighting the role of capacity building programmes and extension works in the agricultural sector including Horticulture, Agro forestry and Animal Husbandry for overall improvement of farm productivity and income.
Earlier, Dr. S. K. Sharma, Head KVK welcomed dignitaries. Dr. A. K. Singh was accompanied by Dr. S. K. Singh, Director ATARI Zone VI, Dr. A. K. Mishra, Head Division IV and Dr. Pratibha Tiwari Head Division VI of CAZRI Jodhpur.
Visit of Dr. P. P. Rohila (PS, ATARI, Zone-VI), Nodal officer KVK NICRA-TDC project to the KVK NICRA adopted village Lunawas Khara, Jodhpur on 27 Sept., 2016
Dr. P. P. Rohila (PS, ATARI, Zone-VI), Nodal officer KVK NICRA-TDC project visited KVK NICRA adopted village Lunawas Khara, Jodhpur on 27 Sept., 2016. He discussed with the VCRMC members about NICRA activities. Dr. Rohila visited seed production fields of Moong bean, Moth bean, Short duration variety demonstration of Pearl millet (MPMH-17), Azolla unit, Vermi-compost and Ber orchard developed at farmer’s field. He appreciated the work done by KVK.
Field Day on Oil seed production in village Jelu (P. S. Tinwari) on 30th Sept., 2016
A Field Day on Oil seed production was conducted at KVK adopted village Jelu (P. S. Tinwari) on 30th Sept., 2016. 115 no. of progressive farmers and 7 no. of extension functionaries participated in the programme.